Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
Turning ON the projector
Turn on the computer equipment connected to the projector
NOTE: Make sure the Audio Amp, VCR and Elmo are ON.
Check to make sure that the Teacher’s station/Laptop switch box
setting is set to the desired source (Teacher’s Station or Laptop).
The VCR should be set to channel L1.
Turn the projector on by pressing the Standby/On (green) button
on the remote control.
Select the desired external input source (Computer or VCR).
To display the COMPUTER press the RGB button
To display the VCR/ELMO press the VIDEO button
Turning OFF the projector
Turn the projector off by pressing the Standby/On (green)
button on the remote control. The message POWER OFF
appears on the screen.
Press the Standby/On (green) button a second time to turn off
the projection unit.
Shutting Down the Computer and Locking the Nova Desk
• Log off/ shut down the computer. Place all remotes inside
of the teacher’s station and lock both doors.
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
4) Check that the desired external input source (Computer or VCR)
is selected.
To display the computer press the RGB button
To display the VCR/Video Flex Camera press the
VIDEO button
Make sure the VCR channel is set to L1
6) REPLACE the Remote Control BATTERIES (if the remote
control has a laser pointer press to see if the batteries are fully
charged/pointer works).
RANGE of the projection unit (walk directly in front of the
projector and begin at step 1).
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
• You are unable to connect to the Internet/campus network
Each Academic Department has been given their own set of keys to
the Nova Desks. Please contact your department chair to request a
key. If you are using this room for a conference or seminar or you
are a College of Charleston staff member, please contact the
Registrar’s Office for assistance. The Office of the Registrar can
be reached by phone at 843-953-5668 or 843-953-4831 or by E-
Then …
Try shutting the computer down and restarting it. If this does not
resolve the problem, CALL THE HELPDESK AT 953-3375.
Use the section at the end of this Operations Guide to assist you
when placing a Help Desk call.
• Is there a “standard smart classroom configuration?”
• How do I get the keypad combination for the Smart
Classroom ?
The Department of Academic Computing maintains a current
listing of classroom locations, equipment and contact information
Classrooms on campus are equipped with a: 1) Teacher’s station
computer (Mac or PC), 2) laptop hookup, 3) VCR, 4) DVD Player,
5) projection/audio system and 6) ELMO.
Every faculty member has access to the keypad
combinations by logging into the faculty section of Cougar
room for a conference or seminar or you are a College of
Charleston staff member, please contact the Registrar’s
Office for assistance. The Office of the Registrar can be
reached by phone at 843-953-5668 or 843-953-4831 or by
All Smart Classrooms have the following software: 1) Microsoft
Office Suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), 2) Internet
Explorer/Netscape with plug-ins and 3) Anti-virus software.
Please Note: Keypad Codes are confidential and will be changed by
the Registrar’s office if given to students.
For your specific room configuration, instructions and tutorials
please check the listing at
• How do I get a key to the Nova Desk?
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
• Is it possible to use my Cougars username and password
• Is there a “generic?”smart classroom login
in the Smart Classroom?
Many of the Smart Classrooms on campus automatically login to
the College network. You also have the ability to login to the
computer with your Cougars user name and password or the
generic smart classroom login. Note: Mac classrooms login
automatically .
All users with an active College of Charleston Cougars account can
log into a Smart Classroom computer with their Cougars username
and password. Doing so allows you to access your network user
folder in the classroom. Only the user and domain administrators
have access to this user folder. Please contact your School Liaison
if you require assistance. Note: Mac classrooms can also access
network user folders in the classroom. For specific instructions
please see the tutorials section at
no password – leave blank
Cougars Username
Cougars Password
For your specific room configuration, instructions and tutorials
please check the listing at
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
• Where do I find instructions for using my laptop in a
• Is there a laser pointer available in the smart classroom?
• Can I advance my PowerPoint slides away from the
computer system?
Smart Classroom?
For instructions and tutorials please look for your room at or contact your
School Liaison for additional assistance
If your room is equipped with an Interactive RF Remote Control
for Presentations you can use this remote to advance your slides.
There is also a laser pointer on the device. Please note, if you are
using a Smart Classroom with a Macintosh Station, Buttons 1,
2, 3, 4, and the right click option is NOT available for use with
the Mac Platform.
Who do I contact if I have questions, would like to schedule
additional orientation sessions or need to add software to my
Smart Classroom?
Contact your School Liaison for additional assistance with your
Smart Classroom requests. Contact information for each liaison is
Laser Pointer
(Click trigger
• What information do I need to provide the Helpdesk when
calling in a problem for a Smart Classroom?
Used to advance a
slide in PowerPoint
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
4) Which machine is having the problem: (e.g., “student
station Glebe32” or “the teacher’s station”. Each Student
Computer Station will be labeled with the Station Name on
the top of the Nova Desk).
NOTE: If you are using your personal laptop in a Laptop
Ready Smart Classroom please inform the Helpdesk
technician when placing your call.
If you experience a problem with a computer or peripheral device
in this room, please report it to Helpdesk by calling 953-3375. You
you are at the computer when you place the call, the Helpdesk
operator can help you try to resolve the problem yourself while
you’re on the phone or, alternatively, can generate a work order
that will be forwarded to a classroom support technician.
Machine Name: ______________________
Be prepared to provide the operator with the following
This station is a:
• Teacher Station
• Laptop Ready Smart Classroom and I am
using my personal laptop
• Student Station
1) The building, room number and type of classroom
• Smart Classroom
• Laptop Ready Smart Classroom
• Computer Classroom with Multiple
Computer Stations
5) A detailed description of the problem:
During the course of the call the Help Desk operator may
enquire of you whether it’s OK for a support person to
come to the room while your class is in session. If you
prefer that your class not be interrupted, the support person
will identify a time when the room is not in use and plan to
work on the problem at that time.
2) Your name
3) Your contact phone number or email address
At the close of your call to Help Desk, the operator will
inform you of the work order number that has been assigned
to your call. This number will serve as a quick reference to
your call for the both the Help Desk operators and the
support person who responds to your call at the on-site
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
Smart Classroom Operations Guide
Academic Computing - College of Charleston
revised: 1/10/2005:jpva
The projector will not power on
The remote for the projection unit is not responding
The image is not projecting on the screen
The monitor is not receiving power
The monitor does not have an image
The mouse/keyboard is not responding
The mouse/keyboard is unplugged
The Sound from the VCR is not playing
The VCR is not receiving power
The VCR image is not projecting on the screen
The computer is not receiving power/will not boot
Which remote is having the problem?
VCR remote
Projector Remote
Remote Pointer Device
Instructions for Boxlight CP300T
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