Wireless LAN Card
Quick Installation Guide
The Choose Destination Location screen
will show you the default destination chosen
by the utility. Click Next to continue.
Follow the instruction to select the program
folder. Click Next to continue.
- 2 -
Click Finish to complete the installation
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Install the device
Note: Make sure the procedures in “Install the
Driver & Utility” has been performed.
1. If you are using the Wireless PCI Card, before
installing the device, make sure the computer
is turned off. Remove the expansion slot
cover from the computer. For Wireless
CardBus users, please locate your CardBus
2. Carefully slide the Wireless PCI/CardBus
Card into the PCI/CardBus slot. Push evenly
and slowly and ensure it is properly seated.
For Wireless PCI Card, you may have to use
the mounting screw to have the card screwed
securely in place.
3. After the device has been connected to your
computer, turn on your computer. Windows
will detect the new hardware and then
automatically copy all of the files needed for
networking. Recover your expansion slot
cover if you are using the Wireless PCI Card.
Note for Windows 98 users:
Before installation of the device, make sure you
have your operating system CD-ROM at hand.
You may be asked to insert the OS CD-ROM in
order to download specific drivers.
- 4 -
Note for Windows 2000 users:
During the installation, when the “Digital
Signature Not Found” screen appears, click
Note for Windows XP users:
1. Select Install the software automatically
(Recommended) and click Next.
- 5 -
3. Click Continue Anyway.
4. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Verify Device Installation
To verify that the device has been properly
installed in your computer and is enabled, go to
Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel Æ System
(Æ Hardware) Æ Device Manager. Expand the
Network adapters item. If the 802.11g Wireless
- 6 -
PCI/CardBus PC Card is listed, it means that
your device is properly installed and enabled.
After successful installation of the Wireless LAN
Card’s driver, a Network Status icon will display
in the task bar. You will be able to access the
Configuration Utility through the Network Status
If the icon doesn’t appear automatically, go to
Start Æ Programs Æ 802.11g WLAN Æ
802.11g WLAN Utility, it will appear in the task
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The Network Status Icon
The Network Status Icon will display on the task bar
of your desktop and show the current network
connection status of your system.
Link Status
Connected to network
Driver not loaded
- 8 -
Disconnected from network
Accessing the Configuration Utility
The Configuration Utility is accessed by clicking on the
Network Status Icon.
All settings are categorized into 5 Tabs:
Main Tab
Advanced Tab
Privacy Tab
Statistics Tab
About Tab
Main Tab
The Main tab displays the current status of the
Wireless Network Adapter.
- 9 -
To Enable or Disable the
manufacturer’s configuration utility:
Enable : Check this item to use
Windows XP build-in utility or other
manufacturers’, such as
Odyssey client utility.
Disable :Left this item unchecked to
use the utility we provide.
Displays the information about the
status of the communication.
The SSID is the unique name
shared among all points in your
wireless network.
The name must be identical for all
devices and points attempting to
connect to the same network.
No WEP key
With WEP key
For TI-Based WLAN devices
For TI-Based WLAN devices
with WEP key
Displays the type of Basic Service
Set, Access Point or Peer to Peer.
Displays the channel that is
currently in use.
Displays the signal strength of the
connection between the Wireless
- 10 -
Network Adapter and the Access
Point it connects to.
A set of wireless stations is referred
to as a Basic Service Set (BSS).
Computers in
BSS must be
configured with the same BSS ID.
Current Configuration
Pref. SSID
BSS Type
It shows the current SSID setting
of the Wireless Network Adapter.
Displays the type of Basic Service
Set, Access Point or Peer to Peer.
Shows the selected channel that is
currently used. (There are 14
channels available, depends on the
Tx Rate
Shows the current transfer rate.
Signal Quality
Displays the signal strength of the
connection between the Wireless
Network Adapter and the Access
Point it connects.
the BSSID of the Access Point to
which the card is associated
Highlight one of the device from
the list area and press the Connect
button to access it.
There will be three tabs for you to
modify, see the detailed
information on page 21.
Searches for all available networks.
Clicking on the button, the device
will start to rescan and list all
available sites.
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Type in the SSID name of the device
you want to connect.
BSS Type You can select Peer-to-Peer, Access Point
or Auto Mode of the device you to
Tx Rate
You can select the data rate or set to auto
mode from the pull-down menu.
Select the channel depends on your
No Power Save:Select this function , the
adapter will be in full active mode.
Max Power Save:Select this function, the
power save mode will be enabled.
The 802.11g standard includes
protection protection mechanism to ensure mixed
802.11b and 802.11g operation. If there
is no such kind of mechanism exists, the
two kinds of standards may mutually
interfere and decrease network’s
NONE:if you select this item , then
there will be no any protection
CTS only:Used only in the co-existing
environment of 802.11b and 802.11g
protection mechanism.
Select to disable or enable the TI-Based 4x
4x Config
You can select IEEE 802.11b(B-Only),
- 12 -
802.11b +(B-Plus) ,802.11g (G-Only)standard
or B&G Mode (If you choose this option the
device will automatically convert the suitable
standard ).
Enter the profile name and click the
Save button to save your configuration,
To open the profiles you saved, select
the profile from the pull-down menu
and then click the Load button. To
delete the profiles you saved, select the
profile from the pull-down menu and
then click the Delete button.
Tx Power Transmit power level, includes Low
Power, Medium-Low Power, Medium
Power, Medium-High Power, High
To fragment MSDU or MMPDU
into small sizes of frames for
increasing the reliability of frame
(The maximum value of 4096
means no fragmentation is
performance will be decreased as
well, thus a noisy environment is
This value should remain at its
default setting of 4096. Should
you encounter inconsistent data
flow, only minor modifications
RTS Threshold
- 13 -
of this value are recommended.
A preamble is a signal used in
synchronize the transmitting
timing including Synchronization
and Start frame delimiter. (Note:
If you want to change the
Preamble type into Long or
Short, please check the setting of
The authentication type defines
configuration options for the
sharing of wireless networks to
verify identity and access
privileges of roaming wireless
network cards.
You may choose between Open
System, Shared Key, and Auto
Open System: If the Access
Point is using "Open System"
authentication, then the wireless
adapter will need to be set to the
same authentication type.
Shared Key: Shared Key is
when both the sender and the
recipient share a secret key.
Auto Switch: Select Auto
Switch for the adapter to select
automatically depending on the
Access Point Authentication
Retry limits
You can set the number of retries
if no acknowledgement appears
from the receiving station.
To set the type of the antenna
TxAntenna:Antenna2 (Use the
factory default)
RX Antenna:Both (Use the
factory default)
802.11g version
This section is enabled only with
G-Only Mode
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Advanced Tab
The Advanced tab displays the current status of
the Wireless Network Adapter.
Privacy Tab
Use the Privacy Tab to configure your WEP and
CCX settings. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
and CCX ( Cisco Compatible Extension )
encryption can be used to ensure the security of
your wireless network.
If you left External Configuration unchecked in
the Main tab(see page 9), functions in the
following figure will be enabled.
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If you checked External Configuration in the
Main tab(see page 10), functions in the following
figure will be disabled.
Privacy Mode Configure your NONE 、 WEP or
CCX settings:
NONE:No security defined.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is
a data security mechanism based on a
40 Bit/128 Bit/256 Bit shared key
algorithm. Press the Select button to
change WEP configuration. A new
dialog window will be opened(see
page 26)
- 16 -
Extension). It provides user-based,
centralized authentication, as well as
per-user wired equivalent privacy
(WEP) session keys. Press the Select
button to change CCX configuration.
A new dialog window will be opened.
(see page 27)
WEP Configuration
To configure your WEP settings.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
encryption can be used to ensure the
security of your wireless network.
Select one Key and Key Size then fill
in the appropriate value/phrase in
Encryption field. Note: You must use
the same Key and Encryption settings
for the both sides of the wireless
network to connect
KEY1 ~ KEY 4:You can specify up
to 4 different keys to decrypt wireless
data. Select the Default key setting
from the radio button.
Encryption : This setting is the
configuration key used in accessing
the wireless network via WEP
A key of 10 hexadecimal characters
(0-9, A-F) is required if a 64-bit Key
Length was selected.
A key of 26 hexadecimal characters
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(0-9, A-F) is required if a 128-bit Key
Length was selected.
A key of 58 hexadecimal characters
(0-9, A-F) is required if a 256-bit Key
Length was selected.
Key size
40 Bit, 128 Bit or 256 Bit.
CCX Configuration
None – Choosing it will enable the
Security Type WEP Select button. As described in
Page 26.
LEAP – Choosing it will enable the
LEAP security.
External – Select this item to use the
external CCX configuration utility.
Network administers have been taking advantage of the
simplified user and security administration that LEAP
Before the security authentication is started, you should
enter the user name and password or the authentication
process will fail.
Statistics Tab
The Statistics Tab displays the available statistic
information including Receive packets, Transmit
packets, Association reject packets, Association
- 18 -
timeout packets, Authentication reject packets,
Authentication timeout packets.
About Tab
Click on the About tab to view basic version
information about the OS Version, Utility Version,
Driver Version, Firmware Version and EEPROM
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