DM 603 S2
Floor-standing loudspeaker system
Product Summary
The DM603 S2 is the entry level floor standing speaker in the 600 Series2. The speaker
comes into its own as a front speaker in larger Home Cinema installations and, as with
any model in the range, it is a superb monitor for 2-channel audio.
The 2 / -way system uses a second bass-only driver to supplement the output of the upper
bass/ midrange driver in the lowest octaves. This arrangement improves system power
handling and reduces demands on the bass/ midrange driver, which in turn improves
midrange clarity.
Technical highlights
Awa rded the Home Cinema Speakers -
Best Buy Spea ker Pa cka ge along with the
6 0 1S2 a nd CC6 S2
Nautilus™ Tweeter: B&W 's Nautilus Tweeter technology ensures that the sound
remains focused and time-sensitive and that the stereo-image is presented with
unparalleled three dimensional accuracy.
W ha t Hi-Fi Awa rds 1 99 9
Kevlar®: B&W developed and patented the method of using Kevlar® for
loudspeaker cones to reduce unwanted standing waves. DuPont originally
created Kevlar® for use in bulletproof vests.
De scrip tio n
Drive u n its
N o m in a l im p e d a n ce
Po w e r h a n d lin g
8W(min 4.3 W)
2 / way vented-box system
25W - 150W into 8 ohm on unclipped
1 x 25mm metal dome high-frequency
1 x 180mm woven Kevlar® cone
bass/ midrange
Dim e n sio n s
Fin ish e s
Height: 850mm W idth: 236mm
Depth: 306mm
1 x 180mm paper/ Kevlar® cone bass
48Hz – 20kHz ± 3dB on reference
Fre q u e n cy re sp o n se
Se n sitivity
Cabinet: Cherry or Black Ash Vinyl,
Grilles: Black cloth
90dB spl (2.83V, 1m)
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
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