Non--Programmable Thermostat
Installation Instructions
There are 2 different models. The 5th and 6th letters of the part
number indicate the model. These 2 letters also appear on the
package and on the circuit board. Be sure to have the proper
thermostat for the intended application. Models are:
AC -- 1--stage cool, 1--stage heat for AC systems only.
HP -- 1--stage cool, 2--stage heat for either HP, or AC with 2--stage
Use each only for its intended purpose. See Table 1.
Thermostat Location
Thermostat should be mounted:
S Approximately 5 ft. (1.5m) from floor.
S Close to or in a frequently used room, preferably on an inside
partitioning wall.
S On a section of wall without pipes or duct work.
NOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
Thermostat should NOT be mounted:
S Close to a window, on an outside wall, or next to a door leading
to the outside.
S Exposed to direct light and heat from a lamp, sun, fireplace, or
Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Follow all
local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must conform
to local and national electrical codes. Improper wiring or
installation may damage thermostat.
other temperature--radiating object which may cause a false
S Close to or in direct airflow from supply registers and return--air
Recognize safety information. This is the safety--alert symbol
S In areas with poor air circulation, such as behind a door or in an
When you see this symbol on the equipment and in the instruction
manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION. These words are used with the safety--alert symbol.
DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in
severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies a hazard
which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used
to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal
injury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or
Select Model
AC Model
(1--stage cool, 1--stage heat) is to be used for single stage heating
and/or cooling applications only.
HP Model
(1--stage cool, 2--stage heat) can be used with a single--speed heat
pump (HP), or an air conditioner (AC) with a 2--stage furnace or
fan coil. Software Option 5 selects HP/AC operation. This
thermostat comes configured from the factory as a heat pump
thermostat. Select AC in software Option 5 for AC operation.
Note that all thermostats are dual powered where batteries can be
installed or in the presence of R and C (24vac) are not required.
Two AA batteries are furnished with the product.
To enter the configuration mode:
To enter Configuration Mode, hold the FAN button down for
approximately 15 seconds. After the 15 second period, Option
“01” will appear in the display and the SERVICE icon will be
turned on.
NOTE: If the FAN button is pressed again or if no button is
pressed for 3 minutes, the thermostat will exit the configuration
mode and return to normal operation. To reenter the configuration
mode, the FAN button must be pressed and held for 15 seconds
While in configuration mode:
The display is used to show both the option number and the
selection choice within that option.
This adjustment controls the sensitivity and cycle rate of the
thermostat. Higher numbers decrease the sensitivity and slow the
cycle rate. Lower numbers increase sensitivity and increase cycle
rate. However, a limiting feature will not allow more than 6
equipment cycles per hour, regardless of setting. Values can range
from 1 to 9. Factory default setting is 3. This default selection will
provide optimum performance in nearly all installations. Try it
first. Do not change setting unless there is evidence of need to do
Unlike conventional anticipators, this setting is not to be
determined by current draw. There is no need to measure, know, or
compensate for current. There is also no droop with this
thermostat, regardless of anticipator setting. This adjustment
controls only sensitivity and cycle rate up to the maximum of 6
cycles per hour.
To Adjust:
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 07 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available
Option 07 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 07. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
This selection is only available on HP model thermostats when HP
is selected via Option 05. This selection determines whether the
reversing valve is energized in the heating or cooling mode.
Factory default is C, energized in cooling. Use up and down
buttons to change between H and C.
To Select:
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 10.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
isplay now shows Option 10 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available
Option 10 choices of H (heat) or C (cool). Factory default is
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 10. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
This option allows calibration (or deliberate miscalibration) of
To Select:
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 21. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 21 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available
Option 21 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 21. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Installer Test Mode
Installer test will be initiated by pressing the fan button for 20
seconds (15 seconds will enter installer setup) “InS” will appear on
the screen and the SERVICE icon will be illuminated.
In installer test mode, pressing the MODE button will change the
system operating mode. Note that AUTO mode is not available in
installer test. Heating and cooling modes must be tested
1. If the mode is set to HEAT, the first stage of heating will be
energized for three minutes (180 seconds), and then the first
and second stages (if a second stage exists) will turn on for
Fan Coil
Heat Pump
Fan Coil
Air Conditioner
*Common connection not required if batteries are used.
*Common connection not required if batteries are used.
Fig. 3 -- HP Thermostat with Fan Coil
Fig. 4 -- AC Thermostat with Fan Coil
1. Furnace must control its own second--stage heat operation via furnace control algorithm. Refer to indoor equipment Installation
Intructions for proper setup.
2. See Option 5 information to convert HP thermostats to AC thermostat operation.
3. As an option, lock the furnace into low--heat operation and let O/B control high--heat operation. Refer to indoor equipment Installation
Instructions for proper setup.
4. O/B can control second--stage heat. Refer to indoor equipment Installation Instructions for proper setup.
5. Refer to outdoor equipment Installation Instructions for latent kit requirements (if any).
6. Terminals marked with * may not be present on equipment.
7. O/B energizes reversing valve in cooling or heating. See Option 10.
8. Refer to outdoor equipment Installation Instructions for proper setup.
9. If system is wired per diagram, the ACRDJ (jumper) on furnace control board should be removed to allow thermostat to control
outdoor unit staging.
10. Refer to fan coil Installation Instructions for proper wiring.
11. If batteries are installed, C (common wire) is not required between indoor unit and thermostat.
Five-minute Compressor Timeguard
The cycle timer limits the number of times the heating or cooling equipment can be energized in one hour. If option 1 is set to a value of 1 or
2, the equipment will be allowed to energize up to six times per hour. If option 1 s set to 3 or greater, then the equipment will be allowed to
energize up to four times per hour. This timer is defeated for 1 cycle when the desired temperature is manually changed. It can also be
defeated for 1 cycle by simultaneously pressing the FAN button and the INCREASE TEMPERATURE button.
Cycle Timer
This timer prevents the start of a heating or cooling cycle until at least 15 minutes after the last start of the same cycle. Its function is to assure
that equipment is not cycled more than 4 times per hr. This timer is defeated for 1 cycle when the desired temperature is manually changed. It
can also be defeated for 1 cycle by simultaneously pressing the FAN mode button and the INCREASE TEMPERATURE button.
Staging Timer
In multistage heating or cooling, this timer prevents any higher stage from turning on until the preceding stage has been on for 15 minutes.
This timer is defeated if the temperature error is greater than 5_F/3_C (usually due to a large change in desired temperature).
Three-minute Minimum On Time
In normal operation, when a stage turns on, it will not turn off for a minimum of 3 minutes.
Heat/Cool Setpoints (Desired Temperatures)
A minimum difference of 2_ is enforced between heating and cooling setpoints. This is done by allowing one setting to “push” the other, to
maintain this difference.
Auto Changeover
When the auto changeover mode is selected, a change from heat to cool (or vice versa) will not occur until an opposite mode demand has
existed for 20 minutes. If the setpoint is changed, the 20 minute requirement is deleted. Auto mode may be disabled.
Emergency Heat Mode
When thermostat is configured as a heat pump and emergency heat mode is selected, all Y signals are locked out and W becomes energized
upon a call for heat.
Heat On and Cool On Icons
When a heating or cooling demand exists, the HEAT ON or COOL ON icon will either remain on or flash. If flashing, the equipment is
temporarily prevented from turning on by one of the timers (see above). While the icon remains on without flashing, the equipment is on.
Power On Check
When AC power is first applied, all segments of the display are turned on for a few seconds. Following this, the temperature display indicates
the model/configuration via the following 2 digit code: AC—1--speed air conditioner, HP—1--speed heat pump.
Error Codes
---- — If the thermostat cannot properly read room temperature, the display will indicate ---- (2 dashes) and all outputs (except the fan if on)
will turn off. This is to prevent operation of the equipment if the thermostat has failed.
E2 — If the AC line voltage drops below a minimum (brownout) level, all outputs are turned off and the display indicates E2. This condition
will remain for 15 sec after proper line voltage is restored. If the AC line voltage disappears completely, the display will immediately go
Thermostat Troubleshooting
Blank LCD
Check for 24vac between R and C at terminal connections or battery.
Temperature sensor reading out of range. Check sensor for damage. If
recycling power does not clear display, thermostat should be replaced.
“ --- --- ” ( 2 d a sh e s) o n t e m p e r a t u r e d i sp la y
Brownout condition or too low of voltage to thermostat. Double check
wiring and check for 24vac between R and C. E2 will clear 15 sec after
proper voltage is restored.
“E2” on temperature display
After the selected number of hour of blower operation “FILTER” will display
on LCD. This is to remind the homeowner to “check” the filter. Press
RESET FILTER button to clear display and reset timer to 0.
“SERVICE FILTER” on temperature display
Cooling will not come on
Select COOL mode. Set desired temperature to 10˚F below room temper-
ature. Simultaneously press FAN and INCREASE TEMPERATURE buttons
to defeat timers. Check for COOL ON icon and 24vac at Y (first---stage)
terminal. If present, thermostat is OK and problem is with equipment or
wiring. If not present, replace thermostat.
Select HEAT mode. Set desired temperature to 10˚F/6˚C above room
temperature. Simultaneously press FAN and INCREASE TEMPERATURE
buttons to defeat timers. Check for HEAT ON and 24vac at Y (first---stage)
terminal (with heat pump) or W (with air conditioner) terminal. If present,
thermostat is OK and problem is with equipment or wiring. If not present,
replace thermostat.
Heating will not come on
C a t a l o g N o : T C S N A C --- 0 1 S I
Copyright 2008 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W. Morris St. S Indianapolis, IN 46231
Printed in China
Edition Date: 03/08
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
Replaces: NEW
Non--Programmable Thermostat
Homeowner’s Guide
Room Temperature Display
shows current room temperature.
COOL ON Indicator
is displayed when the cooling equipment is operating.
HEAT ON Indicator
is displayed when the heating equipment is operating.
restarts the timer that calculates the next air filter change or
is displayed when a heat pump system is operating with auxiliary
heat air filter.
Setting your indoor temperature set points
1. Press the UP or DOWN button.
The LCD readout will be illuminated and the heating or
cooling temperature set point will be displayed, but will not
change. Next to the temperature display, HEAT or COOL
indicates which temperature set point is being displayed.
Congratulations on your purchase of a new Carrier thermostat.
Your new thermostat combines computer like intelligence with
extremely simple operation in an elegant package. Designed to
maximize performance, your Carrier thermostat provides reliable,
accurate temperature control while blending into any home’s decor.
As you read on, you’ll quickly see how easy it is to set up and
operate your new thermostat and enjoy the comfort of your home.
2. Continue to press the UP or DOWN buttons until your
desired heating or cooling temperature set point is
3. Press the MODE button to select the second temperature
setting (either HEAT or COOL).
4. Press the UP or DOWN buttons until your second desired
temperature set point is displayed.
NOTE: Your COOL setting must be at least 2_ higher than your
HEAT setting. Your thermostat will automatically change your
previously set temperature to maintain that 2_ difference.
Carrier has met the needs of homeowners nationwide with their
non--programmable thermostat. Controlling your heating and
cooling system at the touch of a button, this powerful device helps
deliver comfort year round.
Setting fan operation
Take a few minutes to review the features and functions listed at
the right. Carrier gives you control over your comfort with simple
instructions, responsive push buttons and an easy--to--read backlit
display. Once set, this thermostat reliably monitors indoor
temperature and responsively meets your comfort demands.
1. Press the FAN button to switch between ON and AUTO fan
se ttings.
FAN on indicator will be displayed on LCD. When the ON
mode is selected, the fan runs continuously for improved air
When the AUTO mode is selected, the fan runs only as
needed to maintain your desired indoor temperature. FAN
on indicator is not displayed on LCD.
Up and Down Buttons
increase or decrease the desired temperature setting.
FAN Button
Setting mode operation
chooses between CONTINUOUS FAN and AUTO FAN operation.
MODE Button
1. Press the MODE button.
2. On the LCD readout, the words OFF, HEAT, COOL, and
AUTO will rotate as the MODE button is pressed.
If you have a heat pump, the LCD readout will show OFF,
selects between OFF, HEAT, COOL, AUTO, and OFF operation.
Heat pump thermostat models also include an EMERGENCY
HEAT mode.
will light when batteries (if installed) need to be replaced.
NOTE: In AUTO mode, your system will heat OR cool as needed
to reach your desired temperature. AUTO mode may be disabled.
lets you know it is time to clean or replace your system’s air filter.
NOTE: If 2 dashes (----) appear, your thermostat does not include
the outdoor temperature function or the function is not working
properly. Check with your dealer if you are unsure.
NOTE: This indicator does not reflect a problem with your
You have a system error message...
Service filter feature
The temperature sensor failure indicator sends a “----” reading to the
LCD display. This means your thermostat’s temperature sensor is
no longer able to measure temperatures. You will need to contact
your dealer to repair the problem.
Your thermostat reminds you when it’s time to change or clean
your filter by displaying the SERVICE FILTER indicator.
1. Press the RESET FILTER button after you have changed or
cleaned your filter to restart the timer.
An E2 reading on the LCD display means there is not enough
voltage for the system to operate. Contact your dealer for further
If the outdoor air temperature sensor is absent, the outdoor
temperature reading will be “----”.
The batteries are low...
If the batteries are low, the display will indicate a low battery signal
on the thermostat. Replace the batteries with two AA alkaline
NOTE: If the product is hard--wired by the installer, the batteries
will never have to be replaced.
Fig. 1 -- Battery Change
Auxiliary Heat
Most heat pump systems require a supplemental heating source,
called auxiliary heat, to maintain your comfort when outdoor
temperatures fall significantly. Your thermostat lets you know
when your home is being warmed with supplemental heat.
Battery change out
If the installation requires the usage of batteries, the batteries will
require replacement every 12 months.
1. Grasp the front housing of the thermostat along the left side.
Service Filter
2. Carefully pull the front housing away from the back mount-
ing base.
Your system’s air filter will require regular cleaning to reduce the
dirt and dust in the system and your indoor air. The SERVICE
FILTER indicator lets you know when it’s time to clean the filter.
3. Find the two AA batteries along the bottom in back of the
front housing.
4. Remove the batteries from the back of the front housing.
Your system’s fan can run continuously or only as called for during
heating or cooling. Continuous operation helps with air circulation
and cleaning. Automatic operation provides energy savings. Press
the FAN button to make your choice.
5. Install two new AA Alkaline batteries following the + / --
polarity markings.
6. Carefully align the front housing with the plastic guides on
the right side of the back mounting base.
7. Carefully swing the left towards the back mounting base
until it snaps into place.
NOTE: If installation is hard--wired, batteries are not required or
Mode refers to the type of operation your system is set up to
perform. Mode settings include: OFF, HEAT, COOL, and AUTO.
Heat pump systems also include EMERGENCY HEAT (EHEAT).
will not need replacement.
Reset Filter
The reset filter function turns off the SERVICE FILTER indicator
and restarts the system. Press the RESET FILTER button after
you’ve cleaned and replaced the system’s air filter.
Your thermostat provides complete, automatic control over heating
and cooling with auto changeover. Auto changeover means your
system will automatically heat or cool as needed to maintain your
temperature set points.
Auto changeover makes life easier because you no longer have to
manually switch the thermostat between heating or cooling
operation. Just set your heating and cooling set points and let the
system do the rest!
Set Point
The heating and cooling temperature set points you wish the
system to maintain and have entered into the thermostat. The actual
room temperature will automatically be displayed, but you can
check the desired temperature by pressing either the UP or DOWN
button. While the SET TEMP indicator is lit, press the MODE
button to display the desired temperature set points for the other
NOTE: If auto changeover is not necessary in your area of the
country, your installer may disable the AUTO mode feature.
Temperature Sensor
The AUXILIARY HEAT indicator is displayed...
The temperature sensor measures the current indoor or outdoor
temperatures which are displayed on the thermostat.
The AUX HEAT indicator appears on the heat pump version of the
thermostat only. It is displayed when your system is operating on
auxiliary heat.
Up and Down Buttons
These buttons are used to set your desired temperature set points.
This thermostat includes a five--year limited warranty. For detailed
warranty information, please refer to the All Product Limited
Warranty Card included in your information packet. This
thermostat is also eligible for manufacturer’s extended system
warranties. Ask your dealer for details on extended warranties for
longer--term protection.
NOTE: This indicator does not reflect a problem with your
The SERVICE FILTER indicator is displayed...
The SERVICE FILTER indicator tells you when to clean or replace
your air filter. Press the RESET FILTER button after cleaning or
replacing the filter to turn off the indicator and reset the system.
C a t a l o g N o : T C S N A C --- 0 1 S I
Copyright 2008 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W. Morris St. S Indianapolis, IN 46231
Printed in China
Edition Date: 03/08
Manufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
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