5-Point Series STE
Car Seat
Instruction Manual
Do not use this car seat until you read and
understand these instructions!
Incorrect use can mean serious
injury or death to a child in a
sudden stop or accident!
PM-0712AA 3/98
1 Important Information
3 Warnings
4 Basic Information
❃ Use
6 Height & Weight Limits
8 Rear-facing Infant - Less Than 10 kg (22 lbs.)
13 Forward-facing Toddler - More Than 9 kg (20 lbs)
18 Changing Harness Strap Slots
19 Changing Crotch Strap Slots
20 Vehicle Seat Belts
❃ Special Information
23 Aircraft Use
23 Second Hand Car Seats
23 Product Care & Cleaning
24 Inspection
24 Product Label Location
25 Need Help?
26 Installation of Tether Strap Anchor Hardware
27 Replacement Parts
28 Replacement Parts Order Form
Failure to follow the instructions in this manual
and car seat labels can result in child striking the
vehicle’s interior during a sudden stop or
accident. Secure this child restraint with a
vehicle seat belt as shown in this manual.
Infants less than 9 kg (20 lbs.) must use this
car seat rear-facing. Serious crippling injury or
death can result if infant faces front of vehicle.
DO NOT use rear-facing child restraint in a
vehicle seating position equipped with an air bag.
Child's head and neck may be seriously injured
when an inflating air bag hits back of child
Never put a car seat in a front vehicle seat unless
recommended by vehicle owner's manual.
Experts agree that children up to age 12 are safer
in the back seat. For front passenger air bags,
refer to vehicle owner's manual for child restraint
The vehicle seat belt system MUST hold the car
seat securely. Not all vehicle seat belts can be
used with a car seat. If vehicle seat belt does not
hold car seat securely, read "Vehicle Seat Belts"
If this car seat is in an accident, it must be
replaced. Do not use it again! An accident can
cause unseen damage and using it again could
cause serious injury or death.
Do not use accessories or parts supplied by other
manufacturers. Their use could alter the function
of the car seat and cause serious injury or death.
Never leave child unattended, even when
sleeping. Sleeping children must be watched
carefully: they may become tangled in car seat's
straps and suffocate.
❃ Certification
This car seat meets or exceeds all applicable
requirements of Canada Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard 213 and 213.1:
• For use in motor vehicles
• For use in air travel (see "Aircraft Use" section)
❃ Government Alert
Transport Canada alerts
vehicle owners that:
• According to accident
statistics, children are
safer when properly
restrained in the back
seat of a vehicle than in
the front seat.
• All children up to age 12 should ride in the back
seat of a vehicle.
❃ Unoccupied Car Seat
Always secure car seat with a vehicle seat belt,
even when unoccupied. An unsecured car seat can
injure other passengers in a sudden stop or accident.
❃ Dangerous Vehicle Seats
Car seat must be used only on vehicle seats which
face forward. Do not use on rear-facing or side-facing
vehicle seats.
Vehicle Seat
Vehicle Seat
❃ Useful Life
Do not use car seat after date shown on back of car
seat due to changing requirements and normal wear
and tear.
Do not use this car
seat after December
❃ Vehicle Seat Protection
Continuous use of a car seat on a vehicle seat may
cause damage. To protect vehicle seat, use a car
seat mat, towel or thin blanket under car seat.
Car Seat Mat, Towel or Blanket
❃ Warm Weather
Hot parts can burn unprotected skin. Always check
metal and plastic parts before putting child in
car seat.
A car seat’s metal and plastic parts can become
very hot in warm weather even in the shade. Drape
a blanket over the car seat to protect it from direct
sunlight when not in use.
Read this section carefully. Incorrect use can
cause serious injury or death to child.
This car seat can be used two different ways depending
on the weight of child.
Rear-facing (Birth to 10 kg [22 lbs.]):
• Infants from birth to 9 kg (20 lbs.) must be
• Infants or toddlers 9 to 10 kg (20 to 22 lbs.) may face
rear of vehicle.
Forward-facing (9 to 18 kg [20 to 40 lbs.]):
• Toddlers 9 to 10 kg (20 to 22 lbs.) who are capable
of sitting upright unassisted may be forward-facing.
If unable to sit unassisted, use rear-facing.
• Toddlers 10 to 18 kg (22 to 40 lbs.) and up to
102 cm (40 inches) tall must be forward-facing.
• Top of child's ears MUST be below top of car seat.
9 kg
10 kg
18 kg
(40 lbs.)
(20 lbs.) (22 lbs.)
❃ Outgrowing Car Seat
To avoid injuries from whiplash,
top of child's ears must be
below top edge of car seat back.
If top of ears are above car seat
back, child is too large for
car seat.
❃ Preterm or Low Birth Weight Infant
A preterm infant or low birth weight infant may be at
special risk in a vehicle or aircraft. According to the
American Academy of Pediatrics, these infants may
suffer breathing difficulties while reclined in a car seat.
Century advises that you have your physician or
hospital staff evaluate your infant and recommend the
proper car seat or car bed before you and your infant
leave the hospital.
THAN 10 KG (22 LBS.)
❃ Tether Strap
When using car seat rear-facing, the tether strap
should be rolled up and secured with a rubber band.
A loose tether strap may become deadly in a sudden
stop or accident.
❃ Car Seat MUST Be In Reclined Position
• Pull recline stand out (1).
• Rotate recline stand to
recline position (2).
• Push recline stand in.
Be sure stand locks into position.
❃ Level Car Seat
Car seat must be properly leveled.
• Too reclined can result in injury or ejection.
• Too upright can result in breathing difficulties.
This car seat comes with a level indicator to help
properly level car seat on vehicle seat.
NOTE: Your vehicle must be on level ground when
using level indicator.
Level indicator is NOT for forward-facing use.
1 Place car seat rear-facing on vehicle seat.
2 If any part of ball falls within
the red zones, place folded
towel under car seat until entire
ball is in green zone.
3 Re-check level indicator once
car seat is securely anchored
and infant is positioned in
car seat.
Periodically check level
indicator and make adjustments if necessary.
THAN 10 KG (22 LBS)continued
❃ Car Seat Installation
Never put car seat in a front vehicle seat unless
recommended in vehicle owner's manual.
Infants less than 20 lbs. (9 kg) must use this
car seat rear-facing. Serious crippling injury or
death can result if infant faces front of vehicle.
1 Place car seat rear-facing
on vehicle seat firmly against
vehicle seat back.
Belt here
2 Thread vehicle seat belt
through openings on
armrests; then buckle
vehicle seat belt.
3 Press down firmly in center of
car seat to compress vehicle's
cushion as you tighten vehicle
lap belt.
4 Test for secure installation:
• Pull front to back.
• Pull left to right.
If vehicle seat belt does not
hold car seat securely, see
"Vehicle Seat Belts" section
or move car seat to another
seating location and repeat
steps 1 through 4.
THAN 10 KG (22 LBS.) continued
❃ Placing Child In Car Seat
Do not use strap covers
(shown), blankets, thick
cushions, or padding under
harness straps or child. They
interfere with proper fit of
harness straps and child could
be ejected on impact.
1 Harness straps must be in the bottom or middle slots
which are at or just below child's shoulders when
using car seat rear-facing.
If harness straps must be moved to bottom or middle
slots, see "Changing Harness Strap Slots" section.
2 Loosen harness straps:
• Lift adjuster lever (A) to
release harness straps.
• Pull harness straps (B).
3 Unhook harness tie from
harness strap on child's left.
Harness Tie
4 Press red button (C) and
remove harness tongues.
THAN 10 KG (22 LBS.) continued
5 Place child in car seat.
Child's bottom and back
must be firmly against
car seat back.
6 Place child's arms through
harness straps and insert
both tongues into buckle.
Make sure harness straps
are not twisted.
Child must be dressed in clothing with arms and
legs that will not interfere with buckling tongues.
7 Pull up on tongues to be
sure buckle is locked.
8 From back of harness tie,
slide harness strap over
harness tie tab.
Harness Tie Tab
9 Pull lower belt in front of
car seat to tighten harness
THAN 10 KG (22 LBS.) continued
Do not use harness straps that are loose or
unbuckled. Harness straps must be snug and
positioned over shoulders or child could be
seriously injured.
10 Position harness tie at
mid chest or 8 cm (3 inches)
below child's chin.
harness tie keeps
the harness straps
8 cm
close and snug on
child's shoulders to help
prevent ejection.
11 Harness straps must be
snug against child with
just enough room for
you to insert one finger
between each harness
strap and child's chest.
NOTE: Rear-facing - Must
use bottom or middle slots
which are at or just below child's shoulders.
Periodically adjust harness straps as child grows.
12 Be sure crotch strap is in the opening closest to
but not under child. If crotch strap needs to be
moved, see "Changing Crotch Strap Slots" section.
13 If necessary, support child's
head and body with two
rolled towels. Be sure
towels do not interfere with
the harness straps.
THAN 9 KG (20 LBS.)
❃ Tether Strap
Tether strap and anchor hardware have been
supplied with car seat.
Tether strap must always be used when car seat is in
the forward-facing position.
Tether strap is not a replacement for vehicle seat
belt. Tether strap is to be used in addition to the
vehicle seat belt to anchor back of child car seat to
the vehicle.
❃ Car Seat MUST Be In Upright Position
• Rotate recline stand to
upright position (1).
• Push recline stand in (2).
Be sure stand locks into position.
When locking recline stand into upright position,
make certain straps do not get pinched between
recline stand and bottom of car seat, as this will
prevent adjustment of harness system.
❃ Car Seat Installation
Never put car seat in a front vehicle seat unless
recommended in vehicle owner's manual.
1 Place car seat forward-facing
on vehicle seat firmly against
vehicle seat back.
Belt here
THAN 9 KG (20 LBS.) continued
2 Thread vehicle seat belt
through openings and
behind harness straps as
shown; then buckle vehicle
seat belt.
3 Press down firmly in center of
car seat to compress vehicle's
cushion as you tighten vehicle
lap belt.
HINT: Use your knee to press
down in center of car seat.
4 Test for secure installation:
• Pull front to back.
• Pull left to right.
If vehicle seat belt does not
hold car seat securely, see
"Vehicle Seat Belts" section or move car seat to
another seating location and repeat steps 1 through 4.
5 Attach tether strap hook (A)
to anchor hardware (B) and
tighten strap to remove any
THAN 9 KG (20 LBS.) continued
❃ Placing Child In Car Seat
Harness straps MUST be in the top slots for
forward-facing use to prevent serious injury or
Do not use strap covers
(shown), blankets, thick
cushions, or padding under
harness straps or child. They
interfere with proper fit of
harness straps and child could
be ejected on impact.
1 Harness straps must be in the top slots. If straps
must be moved, see "Changing Harness Strap Slots"
2 Loosen harness straps:
• Lift adjuster lever (A) to
release harness straps.
• Pull harness straps (B).
3 Unhook harness tie from
harness strap on child's left.
Harness Tie
4 Press red button (C) and
remove harness tongues.
THAN 9 KG (20 LBS.) continued
5 Place child in car seat.
Child's bottom and back
must be firmly against the
car seat.
6 Place child's arms through
harness srtaps and insert
both tongues into buckle.
Make sure harness straps
are not twisted.
7 Pull up on tongues to be
sure buckle is locked.
8 From back of harness tie,
slide harness strap over
harness tie tab.
Harness Tie Tab
9 Pull lower belt in front of
car seat to tighten harness
THAN 9 KG (20 LBS.) continued
Do not use harness straps that are loose or
unbuckled. Harness straps must be snug and
positioned over shoulders or child could be
seriously injured.
10 Position harness tie at
mid chest or 8 cm (3 inches)
below child's chin.
IMPORTANT: The harness
8 cm
tie keeps the harness straps
close and snug on child's
shoulders to help prevent
11 Harness straps must be snug
against child with just enough
room for you to insert one
finger between each harness
strap and child's chest.
NOTE: Forward-facing - Must
use top slots only.
12 Be sure crotch strap is in the opening closest to but
not under child. For children over 13.6 kg (30 lbs.)
move the crotch strap to the forward opening. This
will give a larger child more room and comfort. See
"Changing Crotch Strap Slots" section.
❃ Use proper harness slots
• Rear-facing - Use bottom or middle slots which are
at or just below child's shoulders.
• Forward-facing - Must use top slots only.
1 Loosen harness straps:
• Lift adjuster lever (A) to
release harness straps.
• Pull harness straps (B).
2 Remove harness strap loops
from Splitter Plate.
Splitter Plate
3 Pull harness straps out of
current slots and thread through
desired slots.
NOTE: For ease of threading
harness straps, remove seat pad
from back of car seat.
Make sure harness straps are threaded through
matching slot of seat pad and car seat.
4 Re-attach harness strap to
Splitter Plate:
• Slide each harness strap loop
onto Splitter Plate. Straps
must not be twisted.
5 Make sure Splitter Plate Strap
passes between recline stand
and car seat shell (see arrow).
NOTE: Splitter Plate Strap must
not be twisted.
6 Re-attach seat pad.
Splitter Plate Strap
❃ Use proper crotch strap slots
For children under 13.6 kg
(30 lbs.) move crotch strap
and buckle to the opening
closest to but not under child.
For children over 13.6 kg
(30 lbs.) move crotch strap
and buckle to the forward
opening. This will give a
larger child more room and
❃ To Change Crotch Strap Slot
Bellows not included on some models.
1 Remove seat pad from front of car seat and around
2 Turn car seat upside down.
3 Pull crotch strap clip out to
create some slack and
remove clip from crotch strap
4 From top of seat, pull crotch
strap out of slot and thread
through desired slot. Do not
take crotch strap out of
5 From bottom of seat,
re-attach clip to crotch strap
CAUTION: Clip must be
attached exactly as shown to
prevent serious injury or death
in a sudden stop or accident.
6 Re-attach seat pad to car seat
shell and tuck bellows
under seat pad.
Identify your vehicle seat belt. Car seat must be used
with a vehicle seat belt that will stay tight while driving.
If vehicle does not have a lap belt that will stay tight,
see dealer.
NOTE: #1 The locking latch plate
on some seat belts may slip and
loosen after being buckled through
car seat. If this happens, flip
latch plate over as shown and
re-buckle. Test installation again
to see if vehicle belt stays tight.
If not, move car seat to another
seating position.
❃ Combination Lap/Shoulder Belt with
Locking Latch Plate
• Install car seat per instructions.
See NOTE #1 above.
❃ Lap-Only Belts
• Manually Adjustable
Lap-Only Belts.
See NOTE #1 above.
• Retractor Lap-Only Belts.
To determine if a lap-only belt can be used, follow the
steps below:
1) Pull on both halves of vehicle seat
- If one belt gets longer, see step 2.
- If neither belt gets longer, install car seat
according to instructions.
2) Pull end that gets longer all the way out, allow belt
to retract 10 - 15 cm (4 - 6 inches) and pull again.
- If belt gets longer, do not install car seat. Check
vehicle owner's manual or contact auto dealer for
- If belt does not get longer, install car seat per
instructions on page 9 or page 14 substituting the
instruction below for those in steps 3.
• Pull lap belt that moves all the way out and thread
through belt slots. Buckle lap belt. Release lap belt
and remove slack in lap belt by pushing lap belt that
moves into the retractor while pushing down on car
seat to compress vehicle cushion.
❃ Continuous Loop Combination
Lap/Shoulder Belt with Sliding
Latch Plate
Locking Clip
(top back of
Pull on latch plate. If belt
car seat)
slides freely through latch
plate, a locking clip must be
used (stored on top back of
car seat).
Latch Plate
Failure to use locking clip where required will
result in car seat not being securely held in place
and child being seriously injured or killed in a
sudden stop or accident.
1 Place car seat in seating position to be used.
2 Thread vehicle seat belt through openings in car seat
and tighten lap belt.
3 With vehicle lap belt properly tightened,
hold the combination lap/shoulder belts
together just behind the sliding latch
plate, and unbuckle belt.
4 Continue holding vehicle seat
belts together and slide locking
clip on vehicle seat belt
approximately 1 cm
(1/2 inch) away from latch
1 cm (1/2")
5 Rebuckle vehicle seat belt. HINT: It may be
necessary to press car seat into vehicle cushion in
order to rebuckle.
Test installation again to see if car seat is secure. If
it is not, remove locking clip, adjust vehicle seat belt
and re-attach locking clip.
Remove locking clip from vehicle seat belt when
not being used with a car seat. The vehicle seat
belt will not properly restrain an adult or child and
serious injury could occur. Do not use locking
clip as a vehicle seat belt shortener.
❃ Belts Anchored Forward of Seat Crease
Belts anchored forward of seat crease (as shown
below) may not securely hold car seat. Check vehicle
owner's manual or auto dealer.
• Do not use unless approved by vehicle
• After installation, check that car seat stays
securely fastened.
Seat Crease
Seat Crease
❃ Do Not Use These Vehicle Seat Belts
The following vehicle seat belts MUST NOT be used.
They will not restrain a car seat and child will be
seriously Injured or killed.
Lap/Shoulder Belt with Sewn Latch Plate
Do not use. This type of vehicle seat
belt stays loose while driving. In a
sudden stop or accident it will lock,
but car seat may move forward and
cause serious injury. See your
vehicle dealer for options.
Automatic (Passive) Seat Belts
Do not use this type of vehicle
seat belt to anchor your car seat.
❃ Aircraft Use
Your Century car seat is certified for
use on aircraft (see label on car seat).
Most airlines in the U.S. and
Canada will allow you to use a
car seat if it carries such a label
and fits properly on the aircraft.
Contact your airline about their policy.
Use your Century car seat only on forward-facing
aircraft seats.
Install car seat on an aircraft the same way it is
installed in a vehicle.
❃ Second Hand Car Seats
Century advises against loaning or passing along your
car seat.
❃ Product Care and Cleaning
Take special care to avoid saturating or wetting any
labels on the product during cleaning. It may
destroy labels.
Clean vinyl pads and car seat shell
with mild soap and a damp cloth.
Never use “household detergents”:
they can weaken plastic. Cloth seat
pads may be machine-washed
separately on gentle cycle and
machine-dried on cool air setting.
Harness straps are surface washable only with mild
soap and a damp cloth.
To remove seat pad:
• Loosen seat pad from car seat.
• Unhook harness straps from splitter plate.
• Pull harness straps out of harness slots.
• Press red button to release harness tongues.
• Pull seat pad up over harness straps leaving
harness straps in car seat shell.
Reverse above steps for replacing pads.
Periodically check and clean the harness buckle
slot. If dirty, buckle will not latch properly and
child could be seriously injured or killed. Remove
loose objects, crumbs and any other debris from
Clean buckle with only mild soap and water. Do not
use household detergents. Never lubricate buckle.
❃ Inspection
Regularly inspect harness system on car seat. If
harness straps are frayed or heavily soiled, harness
assembly must be replaced (see "Replacement
Parts" section).
Do not use car seat after date shown on back of
car seat.
❃ Product Label Locations
The following labels must be on the car seat.
Failure to follow instructions written on labels,
could result in serious injury or death.
If any of these labels are missing, please call our
Consumer Relations Department toll free from the U.S.
and Canada 1-800-837-4044, or worldwide at
❃ Label locations on car seat
1 Harness Strap Release
Right Side
2 Belt Here
Forward-Facing Label.
3 National Safety Mark
4 Warning/Instructions
5 Register Car Seat
6 Belt Here
Rear-Facing Label.
Left Side
7 Belt Here
Rear-Facing Label.
8 Warning/Air Bag Label.
9 Adjust Recline Stand
10 Model &
Manufacturer Date
11 Belt Here
Forward-Facing Label.
12 Read & Understand
Instruction Label.
❃ Need Help?
If you need help with this product, call toll-free
1-800-837-4044 from anywhere in the U.S. or
Canada 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM E.S.T Monday
through Friday. Outside these areas please call
Or write us at: Century Products Company
9600 Valley View Road
Macedonia, OH 44056-2096
Attention: Consumer Relations
Please have available the following information:
Date of Purchase:
Model Number (see #10):
Manufacture Date (see #10):
❃ Installation of Tether Strap Anchor
• Contact vehicle dealership for proper tether strap
anchor hardware installation.
• Before installing tether strap anchor hardware,
install car seat into a vehicle and check that the lap
belt portion of the vehicle belt will hold car seat
Be sure anchor hardware hole is properly sealed
to prevent exhaust fumes and water from entering
the vehicle.
If you wish to remove anchor hardware once child
outgrows car seat, make sure hole is properly
plugged or sealed to prevent exhaust fumes from
entering the vehicle.
Anchor Hardware Assembly
Anchor Ring
Vehicle Frame
Lock Washer
Anchor hardware hole may require
drilling by your vehicle dealership.
A. Vinyl Back Pad
US $ 9.00
B. Vinyl Seat Pad
US $ 7.00
US $ 29.95
C. Classic Fabric Seat Pad
D. Prestige Fabric Seat Pad US $ 39.95
E. Push-in Buttons
F. Harness Straps
G.Harness Tie
US $ 1.00
US $ 3.95
US $ 1.00
H. Locking Clip
US $ 1.75
US $ 8.75
I. Buckle & Crotch Strap
with Tongues
J. Crotch Strap Clip
K. Headrest Foam
US $ 1.20
US $ 2.95
L. Tether Strap and Anchor US $ 10.00
M. Level Indicator
US $ 1.75
N. Instructions & Parts Form
NOTE: Prices Subject To Change
Add-On Chart
$5.00 = Canada
Shipping & Handling Chart
$ .01 to $5.00
= $4.00
$ 5.01 to $50.00 = $5.00
$50.01 to $200.00 = 10% of Order Total
$200.01 and over = 5% of Order Total
Download from Www.Somanuals.com. All Manuals Search And Down2l7oad.
Century® 5-Point Series STE™
Infant/Toddler Car Seat
We must have this information to process your
order: See label on side of car seat.
Model No._________________ Mfr. Date______________
Please make checks payable in U.S. currency to:
Or, charge your order to your VISA or MASTERCARD
by filling in the following.
Cardholder’s Name
Card Exp. Date
Customer Name
Street Address
Check enclosed in the amount of $
Telephone No.
A Vinyl Back Pad
B Vinyl Seat Pad
C Classic Fabric Seat Pad
D Prestige Fabric Seat Pad
E Push-in Buttons
F Harness Straps
G Harness Tie
H Locking Clip
Buckle & Crotch Strap withTongues
J Crotch Strap Clip
K Headrest Foam
L Tether Strap and Anchor Hardware
M Level Indicator
N Instructions & Parts Form
Please indicate color of current part
NOTE: If requested color is not available
a similar color will be substituted.
Amount of Order
Outside Continental USA
(See Add-On Chart)
PM-0712AA 3/98
Send your order, with check, money order,
or charge card number, in an envelope to:
Century Products Company
9600 Valley View Road
Macedonia, Ohio 44056-2096
Attention: Consumer Relations
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